Wednesday 10 January 2018

Zainab - we are sorry

We cannot undo what happened in Kasur. We can play our role to prevent horrific death of another blue eyed doll ending up in a dumpster because our daughters deserve better. It is immaterial who did it, what matters is that it happened.  Three years back, Peshawar APS incident made an excruciating hole in the soul of this nation and now devastating news of seven years old Zainab’s abduction, molestation and coldblooded murder. Let alone empathizing, it is getting impossible to curb the anger and find the right words for the amount of pain and agony those unfortunate parents must be going through. One wonders, do we even deserve to complain our poor state of political, economic and social woes.
We can look inwards and ask few questions, find answers and apply corrections on this deplorable aspect of our lives. So how sexual instincts overwhelm our consciousness? How sexual desire turns into perversion? How can we stop this menace from growing further?
This issue is twofold; moral bankruptcy and governance (or lack of it).
So how incidents of such gravity are becoming routine affair in a society where two or three generations back such incidents were unheard of. How a boy growing up in an Islamic society turns in to an animal? A piece of this jigsaw puzzle is missing somewhere. Moral decadence is direct outcome of decaying family values. Home still remains the basic unit of society. All homes combine together to form society. Societal fiber in last couple of decades has been shredded in to countless pieces. Most of the parents are deeply engrossed in bread winning or day to day affairs of life. Their involvement in to lives of children is symbolic or non-existent. Parents do not observe strict checks and balances over children and children have lost respect /fear of parents. Children are guided by their instincts rather than values. End of the day, we are part animal and part above that. Media, movies and dramas excite romantic aspect of growing kids. Easy accessibility of pornography then takes their imagination and lust to next level of perversion. The animal instincts take the better of their thoughts and actions. Hence, atrocious incidents like today have become a routine affair. Parents need to get more involved in the lives of their kids. Time invested in kids is greater investment than any monetary or time investments outside home.
Everyone is hurt but too much lip service and nothing tangible. Condemnation Tweets by government, opposition leaders, sportsmen, artists even COAS, would not change anything. Not even suo moto of Chief Justice. It is just a formality, a serial ticked so that when people recall the event they should be able to say that entire political, military and judicial leadership along with civil society showed their presence on the day. P is marked. Tonight, the anchors and experts on media will ooze angry/ emotional jargons and would draw their paycheck cashing in on the agony of Zainab and her bereaved parents. All media houses will have immense viewing and sponsor checks; all at the expense of poor Zainab. Tomorrow, something explosive will happen in political arena and all attention will be diverted to political circus.   
I kept wondering how one can the best of Allah's creation stoop so low. The only plausible reason that comes to mind is lack of fear both from the grips of law of the land and Hereafter. People have been getting away with child molestation in the past. Anyone inclined to this kind of crime would not have any example in front of them which could send a cold shudder down their spine. People with little influence can get away with these crimes. The solution is simple, inculcate that fear back in to hearts and minds of people. Thus, make examples which brings us to the second strand of this problem; the governance or lack of it.
Governance is virtually invisible. The very basic right of people; security of life is not in place. Twelve incidents of this nature had already been reported in the same town. Report of missing Zainab was registered for the past five days but nothing happened. She was daughter of a poor man and not any elitist’s offspring or SHARIF Zadi.
Albeit, hurt and angry, people should not surround government offices like what happened at Deputy Commissioner office of Kasur. For love of their lives, policemen whether at their own or on behest of DC, opened direct fire on people and killed two individuals. Punjab Police is personal force of Noon League’s local and national leadership. They are not even trained in handling mobs. They have done what they know best; shoot to kill own people whereas, the actual culprit of this horrendous crime is at large. However, people should hold accountable their elected representatives. They are presumed bridges between people and government offices. If these representatives do not play their role, people should march towards their mansions. And if this does not work then they should march towards castles of Jatti Umras, Bilawal Houses or even Bani Galas. Or at least, have the senses about before casting their votes in next elections.  
Unless we bring our homes in order and instill fear of law among criminals, Zainabs shall continue to die in cold blood. If elected representatives fail to inculcate that fear, people should take those representatives to task. Lastly, only the fear of retribution in afterlife can stop such events from happening. For every problem, a friend of mine used to jibe that basic problem is ‘distance from religion’. But today nothing else makes better sense than this cliché. This is not a Mullah’s shop and if this is Mullaiyat, then so be it. We need to reconnect with our root ideology. Fear of Allah is not the last but the only solution to this problem.

Only Allah knows the whole Truth.

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