Friday 30 July 2021

Women and freedom entrapment

Noor didn't die because she was in wedlock with a punk whose parents forcefully married to contain him. Even those kind of marriages are lesser evils than 'living in relatioships' which are not being ruthlessly criticised in our urban quarters.
Poster attached below is circulating on social media which triggered few thoughts which I feel obligated to share. A fraction of pathetic people might be marrying their spoiled brats as punitive cum corrective measure but their numbers must be negligible. It is unfair to generalise this as if remaining 99.99% are also practising the same regime. Btw, even if such event comes to pass, it happens with the consent of parents/ guardians of both sides whom Allah and law of the land has made the custodian of their affairs. Both boy and girl might also be asked for their consent. In many cases, such marriages last as well. So, it seems like an arrogant and insolant poster prepared on one of those Aurat Azadi Marches wherein Zahir used to walk along Noor. Such hyena like men (Aides of Ibless) pump up women to break out of the protective layers of religion, society and morals. Once they cross those limits, these perverts pounce on them. Shame on the person who conceived this idea and shame on the woman who holds this poster.
It seems like a diversion from ongoing debate that women should respect our value system which gives loads of freedom and respect via greatest Magna Carta humanity has ever witnessed nearly fourteen and a half century ago. It is a poor attempt to highlight such trivial issues to shift focus from core issues.
Having been around, it can be said with conviction that nowhere in any society of the world,  women are protected and respected as much as in ours. Downplaying our social values is a serious betrayal which insecure women do on incitation of Devil. The devil has already done enough damage to the sanctity of family life. Look at the divorce rates. Bickering on gender equality is not going to take us anywhere except more divide and hatred. Man and woman are not equal both physically and emotionally . However, as mother, a woman is three times superior to a father as per Hadith. Book 32, Number 6180:
Abu Huraira reported that a person came to Allah,'s Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said : Who among the people is most deserving of a fine treatment from my hand ? He said : Your mother. He again said : Then who (is the next one) ? He said: Again it is your mother (who deserves the best treatment from you). He said: Then who (is the next one) ? He (the Holy Prophet) said : Again, it is your mother. He (again) said: Then who? Thereupon he said: Then it is your father. 
This decree makes it 75% to mother as opposed to 25% of father's share. Still, both genders are not equal, here women are superior.
Women are the light of our homes. Our lives are incomplete without them. They are the jewels of our crowns. Life is beautiful and comfortable in their companionship. They rock in every relationship. It is only that they have to get out of this equality entrapment. Why you want equality when you are superior in so many ways?
May Allah help us live peacefully under the sky as one specie with respect and care.

Thursday 29 July 2021

عورت اور آزادی کا ‏جال

یہ جوتھوڑےسے منافق بھیڑیے نمامردعورت آزادی مارچ کےھمراہ ھوتےھیں ظاہرجعفر ان میں سےایک ھے۔جب عورت آزادی کے دھوکے میں آکر مذہبی ،اخلاقی اورمعاشرتی پابندیوں کا حفاظتی حصار ترک کرکےرقص وسرود کی مخلوط محفلوں میں جانے لگے اور ایسے رشتے قائم کر لے (Living in relationship) جن کا تذکرہ صرف ابلیس کی ماڈرن ڈکشنری میں  ملتا ھوتونورمقدم جیسا انجام کوئی انہونی بات نہ ھوگی۔ عورت کی آزادی کا جال(Trap) ابلیس اور اس کے چیلوں نے بنا ھی اس لئے ھے کہ حوا کی بیٹی مقام تقدیس کو روند کر بے آبرو ھوجائے جو اللہ نے اپنے آخری مراسلے میں حتمی طور پر اسے عطا کیا۔ بلکہ  ابلیس کا بیسویں صدی کا سب سے عالمگیر کارنامہ ھی عورت کو غیر محفوظ ھونے کے دھوکے میں مبتلا کرکے آزادی کا تقاضا کرنے پر اکسانا ھے۔

مرد بھی انا، زر اور حوس پرستی سے اس مقصد کو تقویت پہنچانے میں پیش پیش ھیں۔ یہ کہنا بجا نہ ھوگا کہ پوری نوع انسانی پر دھوکے اور دجل کا غلبہ ھے اور ھماری نجات صرف اپنی اصل پہچاننے میں ھے۔ اللہ ھماری رہنمائی اور حفاظت فرمائے۔ آمین

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 22

Assalam o Alaikum 
Juma Mubarak. Time to thank Allah for letting us see another Friday. Time to seek His protection from evil jinn particularly evil incarnate i.e. dajjal. Allah swt made us with limitation of error, yet it is His mercy that He swt taught us how to return (توبہ) to Him. Likewise, He swt created devil and evil's worst form i.e. the fitn of dajjal and gave them additional powers, yet He swt didn't leave us in the lurch. He swt gave us the gift of Al Kahf for protection. So its quite balanced equation, no one can complain for lesser treatment. Such is the justice of The Most Just alongside His mercy that overrides all His attributes. How unfortunate would it be for us to miss the ocean of mercy and jump straight into small pit of fire. The fire pit has to be small because its owner only built it for deterrence and not to burn all of His beloved creation in it unless we really strive hard for it. In which case, it's all about choices.
Ayah of today itself is a comprehensive lesson on how to approach certain issues. Lets refresh our memory, Jews of Medina tipped off Kuffar of Mecca to ask Prophet PBUH about Al Kahf (along with other two stories about Zulqarnain and Al Rooh) as a test case. He swt exactly knew the next move of obstinate Meccans that they would question the numbers of The Boys. So the Creator of logic, teaches us the logic of numbers in this story. It turned out that numbers were irrelevant. Whether, they were 3 Boys and a dog or 5 Boys and a dog, these were all wild guesses. However, the way 7 Boys and a dog is mentioned it pretty much confirmed the Biblical count of The Seven Sleepers. Still, argument on their numbers would be an argument in vain unless we take away the most important lesson from this story i.e. Tauheed. What difference otherwise the numbers would make if we fail to identify the right lesson from the story.
And He swt categorically forbade to get into futile arguments such as numbers and instructed to reply that Allah swt knew better. If we do that in arguments like these, we can achieve two major benefits. One that we save time and energy to be wasted in useless arguments. Two that we put all our faith in Allah's knowledge and win His favour. Total win-win. 
How amazing is the wisdom of Allah. How amazing were The Boys that their story keeps benefitting the humanity till this day and in times to come.
May Allah keep us among His favoured people. Ameen 

Sunday 18 July 2021

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 21

Assalam o Alaikum 
Twin festivities of Juma & Eid ul Adha Mubarak.  Both are remembrance of Allah's beloved. Juma dedicated to cherish faith of Kahf Boys. Eid ul Adha dedicated to peerless sacrificial Ibrahim AS and his incomparable obedient son Ismail AS. So while feasting over Qurbani meat, we must spare a thought for those great men whom Allah swt favoured and we celebrated their Sunnah today. Hence, we conclude that the world is about recalling feats of extraordinary men. It also goes to show that we (stricken with termite of false ego) are ordinary sixpack Joes who could benefit by connecting with Allah's favourite and favoured people like Ibrahim AS and Al Kahf Boys. The point to take home is that the best of the  lot is already gone and we are just average remains.
 Hence, we must come down our horses and recognize our real place in the whole matrix which would hardly be visible even if we use a microscope let alone naked eye because not the scope lense but our vision is blurred. And clarity of vision is conditional with learning Quran in every sense of the word.

Today's Ayah No 21 is just one line of time travel story of Kahf Boys. Previous, Ayah took us in the cave wherein, The Boys discussed being discreet and reaffirmed sticking to Tauheed as their only option. In this Ayah No 21, the scene  changes again. Allah swt is the Creator of Laureates, He wrote the story in The Book of Books. Created The Boys. Gave them supreme intelligence to recognise Tauheed and bestowed them with unwavering resolve to stick to it. It was time now to introduce them to the world (around year 550 AD). Hence, He swt uses the words like, 'We caused them to be found'. So another true time travel story alongside Uzair AS and Miraj (معراج) was premiered in the only true Book. Please note that when this story took place, the concept of resurrection and faith in the Day of Judgement had waned. It is direct outcone of weakening of Tauheed. Allah swt loves us humans more than any other creation and his hell is for rebels only. He swt had to send down a warning shot. Allah swt due to His overarching mercy had to refresh dwindling faith in life after death before His most beloved Prophet PBUH could arrive (around year 570 AD) and share the Message. Now the stage was perfectly set for Prophet PBUH to give the only true message recognising all previous Messengers, Books and stories like Al Kahf.
In final part of  Ayah, another important message to note is that instead of a shrine people (with Allah's accord) decided to build Masjid at the Cave site. It is a clear sign cum instruction on Tauheed to eulogize the Creator of those miracles and saints by building Masjids instead of shrines. Praise the Creator instead of Creation. 
May Allah give us wisdom to recognize Oneness and keep us in chosen category like Al Kahf Boys. Ameen

Monday 12 July 2021

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 20

Assalam o Alaikum 
Precious first Juma of Zul Hajj Mubarak. Like every Juma, its time to spare few moments for Precious Al Kahf. Btw our time doesn't add value to already precious things such as Al Kahf, it only adds value to our lives 
Let's get straight into Ayah of today. Previous Ayah leaves us with lesson of being discreet and polite. This Ayah is continuation of the same cautious approach. The scene is amazing. Us the readers know that the Boys slept for three centuries. But them, the Boys were unaware of the duration they had slept for. By taking shelter in the Cave, they had evaded persecution, however, after waking, like, one wakes up after deep slumber, they felt urge for food. One of them going to the local market could blow their cover (which he eventually did by Allah's accord). Imagine if someone today walks into roadside Dhaba with 18th Century Rupiya of Bank of Hisdostan. It will definitely go viral on social media before gracing the headlines. What kind of sensation would that news generate? Pretty much like those Hollywood's time travelling movies. Though this isn't a movie. We know for sure, it is a true story. This is what makes it super amazing. The Only Witness of the story is the Storyteller who is actually the Creator of the scene, the story and the characters. And the story itself was written in The Book of the Books, way before the World of Creation (عالم المر)۔ This has to be the truest and the best ever piece of work.
So before the one assigned to bring food left the Cave, he was warned about implications of breaking cover. Either they would stone them to death or would ask them to return to polythiest religion. Accepting polytheism would mean denouncing Oneness of Allah which would mean no success for them forever. It is mesmerising how difficult were the choices and how clear headed were our heroes. Would they have denounced Tauheed if they had to choose between death by stonning or living as polythiests? Moral inter alia loads of morals is that most intelligent people would recognise Onenes of Allah irrespective of their circumstances and they would not denounce it even if it cost them their lives. Why? Because human success in this  world and the next, hinges on accepting, following and sticking to the concept of Tauheed.
There is not god but Allah. Jazak Allah.

Monday 5 July 2021

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 19

Assalam o Alaikum 
Juma Mubarak. Time to recite and understand Al Kahf- the Cave of protection and hope.
Moving to today's Ayah No 19, the scene changes from last Ayah where the Boys were asleep and were being looked after by Allah swt. As per law of sleep, it ends in awakening. For example, our every day sleep, sleep of spirits after taking oath of allegiance (عہد الست) which ended in our awakening in to this world and sleep of death which will end in awakening at the Day of Judgement. Likewise, the Boys also woke up. Their sleep for three centuries along side century old sleep of Uzair AS are two major exceptions to general law of human sleep. In here, laws of physics were suspended by The Creator of physics just to make us understand the concept of awakening in the Hereafter. The Boys took to the Cave because Oneness was being challeged and the first victim of this onslaught is always the faith in Hereafter. Weakening of faith in Hereafter weakens faith in possible accountability. And life becomes a meaningless pastime.
Death remains the greatest human philosophical dilemma. Rather, philosophy fails to fathom death unless it accepts the knowledge of unknown by The Creator of known and unknown. Accepting death as sleep solves the riddle. Death makes us ordinary mortals, whereas, continuation of life after death (in another form) makes us extraordinary immortals. 
Let's get back to our Ayah of the day. So like being  awake from any sleep, the Boys got up unaware of the time they had slept for. As natural reaction, they wanted to know how long they had slept? Again, the Boys carry the day by making a calculated guess of a day or part of it and leaving the matter totally to All Knowing to know how much they had slept. Their level of faith and its manifestation in words, actions and submission was par excellence. No wonder, to this day and in this moment, we talk about them. Now, as it happens when boys hang out, they shift their focus to food. After all, they were mortals laden with immortal sincerity. Look at the fine details. They decide to get food from city and ask for it to be good one along with other provisions. Not only that, they unanimously decide to remain cautious/ polite. Interestingly, this seven alphabets word وليتلطف comes in the center of Quran. More precisely, alphbets ت and ل bifurcate Quran into two equal halves in terms of word count. How amazing, this one word with its nuances becomes complete code of life i.e. be polite and careful. 
May Allah make us polite and careful. Ameen