Wednesday 29 November 2023

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 21

Assalam o Alaikum. Juma Mubarak. Some time on this blessed day should be dedicated to cherish the unwavering faith of Kahf Boys. Faith became their strength so much that they among select elite whom Allah swt favoured and we continue to celebrate their Sunnah even today. In fact,  world is about recalling feats of extraordinary men. It also goes to show that we (stricken with termite of false ego) are ordinary sixpack Joes who could benefit by connecting with Allah's favoured people like Ibrahim AS and Al Kahf Boys. The point to take home is that the best of the  lot is already gone as Quran mentioned that number of early men going to Jannah would be much higher than the later lot like us.
 Hence, it is imperative that we recognize our relation with the matrix which is not easy because we are unable to actualize our vision (of heart). And clarity of vision is conditional with learning Quran in every sense of the word.
Today's Ayah No 21 is just one line of time travel story of Kahf Boys. Previous, Ayah took us in the cave wherein, The Boys discussed being discreet and reaffirmed sticking to Tauheed as their only option. In this Ayah No 21, the scene  changes again. Allah swt blessed The Boys with supreme intelligence to recognise Tauheed and bestowed them with unfaltering resolve to stick to it. It was time now to introduce them to the world (around year 550 AD). Hence, He swt uses the words like, 'We caused them to be found'. So another true time travel story alongside Uzair AS and Miraj (معراج) was premiered in the only true Book. Please note that when this story took place, the concept of resurrection and faith in the Day of Judgement was on decline. It is direct outcone of weakening of Tauheed. Allah swt loves us humans more than any other creation and his hell is for rebels only. He swt had to send down a warning shot. Allah swt due to His overarching mercy had to refresh dwindling faith in life after death before His most beloved Prophet PBUH could arrive (around year 570 AD) and share the Message. Now the stage was perfectly set for Prophet PBUH to give the only true message recognising all previous Messengers, Books and stories like Al Kahf.
In final part of  Ayah, another important message to note is that instead of a shrine people (with Allah's accord) decided to build Masjid at the Cave site. It clearly points to the fact that in order to celebrate, Masjid is prefered over shrines. Praise the Creator instead of Creation. 
May Allah give us wisdom to recognize Oneness and keep us in chosen category like Al Kahf Boys. Ameen

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 20

Assalam o Alaikum.Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. Time to spare few moments for Al Kahf. And the time we spare for this doesn't add value to Al Kahf rather our lives.
Let's get straight into Ayah of today. Previous Ayah leaves us with the lesson of being discreet and polite. This Ayah is continuation of the same cautious approach. The scene is amazing. Us the readers know that the Boys slept for three centuries. But them, the Boys were unaware of the duration they had slept for. By taking shelter in the Cave, they had evaded persecution, however, after waking, like, one wakes up after deep slumber, they felt urge for food. One of them going to the local market could blow their cover (which he eventually did by Allah's accord). Imagine if someone today walks into roadside Dhaba with 18th Century Rupiya of Bank of Hisdostan. It will definitely go viral on social in no time. What kind of sensation would that news generate? Pretty much like those Hollywood's time travelling movies. Though this isn't a movie. We know for sure, it is a supernatural story of time travel. This is what makes it super amazing. The Only True Witness of the story is the Storyteller who is actually the Creator of the scene, the story and the characters. And the story itself was written in The Book of the Books, way before the World of Creation (عالم المر)۔ This has to be the truest and the best ever piece of work.
Back to Ayah, before the one assigned to bring food left the Cave, he was warned about implications of breaking cover. Either they would stone them to death or would ask them to return to polythiest religion. Accepting polytheism would mean denouncing Oneness of Allah which would mean no success for them forever. It is mesmerising how difficult were the choices and how clear headed were our heroes. Would they have denounced Tauheed if they had to choose between death by stonning or living as polythiests? Moral inter alia loads of morals is that most intelligent people would recognise Onenes of Allah irrespective of their circumstances and they would not denounce it even if it cost them their lives. Why? Because human success in this  world and the next, hinges on accepting, following and sticking to the concept of Tauheed.
There is not god but Allah. Jazak Allah.

Friday 10 November 2023

Random thoughts - 3

Should’ve paid heed to what The Maker had to say about life, it’s a delusion. The more you know, the more it reaffirms that you know not and the more you feel swindled whether relations, politics or life in general.

Textbooks indoctrinated us that in 1965, the enemy next door attacked in the darkness without prior warning, violating international conventions but we fought hard. The passion, the fervour and the desire to contribute our bit increased in the growing years. Later realisation that Operation Gibraltar started way before this attack kind of took the zing away. But I liked Aslam in my Urdu textbook who got up early in the morning and went for a walk in the garden. No one can break my perception of Aslam, no matter what. 

In 1971, enemy tricked Bengalis. Again we fought hard but lost. Later, it dawned that democratically elected popular leader was denied his right to rule because relatively fair looking, a bit tall and arrogant Westerners couldn’t accept supremacy of lesser Pakistanis. 

Russian drive to warm waters was a sham. Pakistan was dismembered to bring ZAB in power but he was hanged because US needed a dictator on the helm and the dictator needed religion to shield his shenanigans. The aura of his tahajjud was stronger than his gifts of sectarianism, extremism and fares political entities and like MNS and MQM. 

It was time for Zia ul Haq to go. So he was killed to bring back ZAB’s daughter and musical chair began between BB & MNS. Finally, we could establish that establishment was the only permanent party.

9/11 was about to happen and again US needed a dictator with unlimited political powers and military wherewithal, so Musharraf was asked to send MNS packing. They gave MNS safe passage because with his ‘acumen’ he had already become an asset which could be installed later as and when needed. 

GWOT progressed alright but Musharraf would bluff them by sending few pennies on covert programs. So he had to go. But with him BB was also becoming redundant and they needed more reliable source like AAZ who knew one language - like Americans ‘in dollar he trusted’. 

Establishment’s decay started. No more double cross with Americans. The degeneration in society, insecurities and deprivations of past reflected in un-satiated lust for power and money through extensions. 

Shoddy finished product of the system, Bajwa blew its cover. The lower the standards of the top men in leadership and integrity, the better for US to keep the control their colony.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 19

Assalam o Alaikum 
Juma Mubarak. Time to recite and understand Al Kahf- the Cave of protection and hope.
Moving to today's Ayah No 19, the scene changes from last Ayah where the Boys were asleep and were being looked after by Allah swt. Since, the build up was about their pdotracted sleep, so they had to awaken at some at some point. They woke up after sleep three centuries. Similarly, Prophet Uzair AS also slept for a century. These are the two exceptionally long sleep durations wherein laws of physics were suspended by The Creator of physics just to make us understand the concept of awakening in the Hereafter. Also keep a note of the fact that when laws of physics are suspended 'metaphysical phenomenon' comes into play. And
we are going through the most metaphysical Surah of Quran. 300 years of sleep is not physics? More interestingly they woke up and gave the impression as if they had slept for few hours. Where were their souls all this time? How they survived this long? Questions must arise and answers must be sought. 
The Boys took to the Cave because Oneness was being challeged and the first victim of this onslaught is always the faith in Hereafter. Weakening of faith in Hereafter weakens faith in accountability. And life becomes a meaningless pastime.
Death is the greatest philosophical conundrum unless we align ourselves with the concept of the same taught by Allah swt. Accepting death as sleep solves the riddle. Death makes us ordinary mortals, whereas, continuation of life after death (in another form) makes us extraordinary immortals. 
Let's get back to our Ayah of the day. So like being  awake from any sleep, the Boys got up unaware of the time they had slept for. As natural reaction, they wanted to know how long they had slept? Again, the Boys carry the day by making a calculated guess of a day or part of it and leaving the matter totally to All Knowing to know how much they had slept. Their level of faith and its manifestation in words, actions and submission was par excellence. No wonder, to this day and in this moment, we talk about them. Now, as it happens when boys hang out, they shift their focus to food. So, they decide to get food from city and ask for it to be good one along with other provisions. Not only that, they unanimously decide to remain cautious/ polite. Interestingly, this seven alphabets word وليتلطف comes in the center of Quran. More precisely, alphbets ت and ل bifurcate Quran into two equal halves in terms of word count. How amazing, this one word with its nuances becomes complete code of life i.e. be polite and careful. 
May Allah make us polite and careful. Ameen

Monday 6 November 2023

Pakistan, Israel and US

Astounding parallels between Pakistan and Israel with their common patron in US. Both have Abrahamic lineage.  Only two monotheistic nations created in the name of God/ religion. Both use religion as political tool. Both ruled by liberals mostly atheists. Both allow practice of respective religions only as long religious practices conform to the political agenda of the rulers. Ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Israel is state sponsored likewise ethnic cleansing of Christians and Hindus is also allowed to happen to a certain degree and then the state intervenes and sometimes it does not at all.  Religious parties used as tools and people duped by nationalism of the type that suits rulers. Both controlled by the establishments. Both armies not willing nor able to take on the neighbours and always looking towards US for aid and intervention except that in case of Pakistan, US’ help never arrived in 1971 nor it ever will. Both countries commit atrocities against their own people through powerful agencies. Agencies have freehand to do anything and everything to keep people aligned with state - not religion not god. Whether dissident Bengalis or Bugtis, Afghan settlers of Muslim Taliban, Punjabi or Pathan those who are out of favour of establishment are all quashed. Israel is no different; from Naqaba to Gazan genocide they relentlessly pursue suppression and expansion policy. Now let’s see how Israel became why it has become today. 

World is in control of Christian Zionists who created Judaic Zionists. Christian inside every Zionist wanted to exact revenge of Christ’s crucification and Zionist inside that symbolic Christian wanted to execute devil’s plan on God’s earth. They turned ancient Abrahamic religion of Judaism to ethnic nationalistic identity. Orthodox Jew also got trapped in the fancy slogans like ‘People without land and land without people’. In reality, Jew were without land nor they occupied land without people. Historically, they were marginalised and executed by Babylons, crusaders and Hitler. They always prospered under Muslim rule. Zionists tricked them. They broke the convention of not forming a Govt on a piece of land until the Messiah returned. Zionists were the project of imperialistic colonial legacy. Even places like Uganda and Argentina were proposed for Jewish settlement but Theodore Herzl an Austrian Hungarian journalist and political activist (not a practicing Jew) considered the father of modern day Judaic Zionism insisted on Palestine - apparently promised land. Just like we misinterpret Islam, Jew do it at will. 

Creation of Zionist state of Israel is fraught with contradictions like Pakistan. Clergy is pawn of establishment with an on/off button.  One major difference is that unlike Israel we lost land whereas Israel always found reasons to further land grabbing agenda just like they wish to raze northern Gaza to ground and take it over. They continuously get patronage from  rich and powerful Zionists in US whereas we live in an illusion that US is on our side and our loyalties to US will do us any good. Unlike Israel we are worthless expendable items to US. 

Couple of months back the scenario was different. US demanded us to subjugate to India, install Nawaz Sharif (also approved by India), withdraw from CPEC and go hard on Afghanistan (attack them if possible). Like, American puppies in KSA and UAE, we were all set to recognise Israel but Hamas pooped the party before it began. All the hopes of getting billions of dollars into Pakistan went crashing like a castle of sand. And now we quietly approach China for help and dependent on next tranche of IMF loan. We are again left in the lurch for our unnatural, impractical and harmful allegiance to US. 

Pakistan’s center of gravity is its people who at the moment are enslaved by US slaves. One day they might break these shackles of slavery, fear and despair. Insha Allah

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 18

Assalam o Alaikum. Juma Mubarak. Al Kahf time. Kahf is the Cave of refuge from forces of evil. And we need this refuge more than ever before because we are under attack 24/7, while moving from home to office, from university to market, from functions to funerals, we are being constantly mislead. Bombarded and fooled by information sans wisdom. We are being hoaxed by media lies. We are being deluded to look with lascivious eyes. We are being duped to talk in licentious manner. We are being tricked to put God behind material god. Fear Zionusts more than Allah.  How miserable? How turbulent? How messy? Ability to differentiate right from wrong is inbuilt in our consciousness. However, a veil shrouds our ability to discern right from wrong. Cutting through this fog of confusion is the greatest challenge humanity faces today. Al Kahf offers the lense to see through this intense fog of confusion. So let's spare some time today to recite and understand this magnificent Surah.
Moving over to today's Ayah No 18. In last Ayah, Allah swt fondly mentioned that if you were there you would have seen how His miracle was at work. Sun was providing The Boys at sleep with due sunlight and would incline in the afternoon.
Continuing with the same affection, Allah swt sketches their state in the cave with His magical poetic prose. If you (us or anyone) were there, you couldn't tell they were sleeping or awake. He swt made arrangenents in the Cave to turn them over from left to right and vice versa to avoid stiffness, bedsoars and maintaining their blood circulation. Whereas, their dog (namely Qitmir) sat at the front edge of the Cave. Though sleeping, Qitmir gave a ferocious look to passersby so that no one would try entering the Cave or in other words disturb The Boys' sleep. Look at the attention to details and care. Allah swt doesn't like to interfere with human freewill, so He swt created a scenario that onlookers would see the dog and wouldn't think of entering the Cave. On the other hand, He swt made arrangenents for The Boys' sustenance like a loving mother. 
Such were the privileges and VIP treatment The Boys got during their sleep in the cave. What happened next, shall follow next week.
May Allah swt make us like Kahf Boys. Ameen