Monday 18 November 2019

Good politics is what we need

There is so much rumor mongering in political circus and media is their mouthpiece. Their job is to keep you divided and keep building false image of political gods keeping them relevant. And politics is a game of hate because it is so easy to sell hate. So media politicians alliance successfully keeps us confused, curious and hateful. Last thing you expect from them is truth. So lets try and cut through the noise what actually none of them are trying to tell us.
Army is not taking control, it is just trying to keep mandate of the people to where it belongs.
Realistically speaking, stereotyping in politics is history along with stereotypes. The only good change is that the old political model is creaking under the weight of its failings. NS, Zardari & Maulana brand of politics has no future Whereas, PTI is here to stay. We might wanna look for a fresh & better alternative of PTI because existing opposition is no opposition at all. Opposition with its baggage & poor decision making is fighting for a face saving exit. Do they have the guts to out maneuver Imran Khan? If they could, they would have but that's not happening.
Does that bother me what happens to corrupt politicians and who will do the opposition instead? Not at all. I don't care just like them when they didn't care about Pakistan & rest of us in their four decade long reign. They invested in mafias & reaping the returns, fait accompli. What bothers me is that there is no opposition to politically challenge PTI's misgovernance, economic mess and poor team.

And for (some) courts, News Virgina's headline, 'Pakistani courts are bitches of the riches', might not change their approach towards their noble profession yet an overarching one liner. Needs no further comment. 

By being politically charged partisans we are missing on mobilizing ourselves politically and bringing in a fresh political force. Good politics has changed the fate of many nations. Good politics is what we need.

Only Allah knows the whole Truth. 

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