Saturday 15 February 2020

JoJo Rabbit - another miserable jew movie

Movie got Oscar nominations, so as usual for once a year I sat down to watch JoJo and as usual it was highly disappointing. I would rather call it a pathetic attempt of artistic revenge from the dead Nazis for the dead Jews by omniscient jew money and influence in the world today. Overall, a miserably poor propaganda movie. 
The moment that jew girl is found in the secret room of the house, I paused the film and took my cell phone to write a review because rest was totally predictable.
It is a dark comedy full of jew self pity. They mocked the dead Germans by making them look stupid and insensitive while portraying a jew girl of steely nerves. World must be sick of jews' self pity but they never get tired of it. Movie is infested with jew thinking that 'we were chosen by God and you follow a man who can't grow proper mustache'. They forget that after being chosen they were 'unfriended' by the same God hence diaspora and holocaust. The same God had brought their replacement in Muslims. And ironically, we the Muslims suffer the same symptoms as jews, we deviated from The Book just like them and suffering the lowliness of its own kind. 
By screening this movie and getting it noticed through Academy nominations and awards, Jews must be so satisfied to finally avenge roasting of six million of them by Hitler? Or are they? A dark comedy with one line agenda i.e. downplay Hitler's Germany and prove jews' innocence. With jews controlling anything going on airwaves and everything shown on 'rectangular' LEDs whether cinema, TV, laptops, tabs or cells phones it is just so easy to condition peoples' minds around the globe. In the first half of 21st Century when scriptwriters to sponsors to actors to Oscar voters at the academy, any movie showing jews' pain at least one a year, gets Oscars like Bucket list, Pianist and so on.
Wonder how long will this continue? Probably as long as jews run out of money which means till the end of the times.
But those passionate movie lovers on eastern part of the world just have to be careful about the thought process behind the whole thing. 

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