Saturday 7 August 2021

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 24

Assalam o Alaikum 
Juma Mubarak. Al Kahf Time. Let's get into Al Kahf (The Cave) i.e. Al Quran for protection against our enemy at large who has avowed to attack us from left, right, center and back wherever he sniffed an opportunity. We are weak and vulnerable because The Maker in The Manual mentioned,(خلق الانسان ضعيفا),' Man is created weak' 04:28. Mindful, that enemy doesn't hold our hands and makes us do things. He has the permission to run in our blood and appoint an altar ego upon us. The bad news is that Shaitan is not weak, however, the good new is (ان كيد الشيطان كان ضعيفا) ,'Surely the strategy of the Shaitan is weak' 04:76. Weak strategy is bound to be doomed. His mission is to deceive the mankind to add to the tally of his companions in hell. To achieve this goal, he adroitly shields our good judgment by whispering (وسوسہ) in our heads. He is aware that if we use our good judgement, he wouldn't succeed in his mission of revenge. This cat and mouse shall continue till our last breath.
So where lies our soft underbelly? What are most vulnerable spots? Since human intelligence has evolved, so has the enemy tactics. He is still doing alright in realm of cardinal sins. However, being master of deception, he has identified our two exploitable vulnerabilities; firstly, material insecurity (فکر معاش) and second falling below dignity by committing any degree of vulgarity (بے حیائی). And it seems that he is thriving in these domains. 
How do we shield against such onslaught? In this tug of war, our only hope is to hold The Rope (Al Quran) tight. Its one end (Master Copy) is kept up there which Archangel brought down in parts and put it straight into the heart of Prophet (PBUH). With these credentials, The Rope won't fail us, however our loose grip of it can.
Moving over to today's Ayah No 24 which is continuation of previous Ayah. Although, the enemy is relentless but our ally is his Creator. We need to listen to our Merciful Teacher and Friend who only wants us to avoid these boobytraps and succeed. We concluded in previous Ayah that we must not forget to say Insha Allah while talking about any future happening. Knowing our limitation of forgetfulness, The Merciful Teacher has taught us to refer the matter to Him, the moment we realise that we had forgotten to say Insha Allah with the conviction that He swt would guide us nearer the right conduct. How considerate!!!
Lastly, the real game changer i.e.four expressions  الحمدالله، سبحان الله، ماشاءالله، انشاءالله may sound like everyday/household utterances of "practising people', whereas these are four precious pearls of Quran. Allah swt gifted these to us. Only if we could believe in what we say, the impact might transcend known dimensions of time and space.
May Allah swt bless us with conviction in beliefs. Ameen


    Very nice explanation. May we stand guided in all walks of life by ALLAH.

  2. Ma sha Allah May this is accepted as the correct answer to all our thoughts.
