Wednesday 15 December 2021

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 42

Assalam o Alaikum.Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. Time to connect with Al Kahf, The Cave of Hope. Time shall prove its value. Feel lucky if Allah makes you familiar with this Surah. And lucky in His court are those who sincerely and unequivocally submit because they 'listen & obey'.
Coming over to today's Ayah No 42 wherein the scene changes dramatically and Garden of richer of the two men is ruined by seemingly a lightening strike. 
Let's first recap. This story is about trial of wealth that how lack or abundance of it are both trials. We have to remain grateful on wealth distribution of Allah swt. Neither wealth nor this life is forever. Sooner or later both will walk out of our lives. Wealthier man in this story got it all wrong. Despite being Muslim, he was deceived by devil on many counts:
a. He thought he accumulated wealth by virtue of his intelligence and modern methods. Note the word 'trellises' in Ayah's translation which means he was using modern agri methods for enhanced yield.
b. He thought he was blessed in this life and even if there is a day of recompense, he will still be treated better as he was blessed in this life.
c. Faith in Allah swt and Akhirah weakened.
d. He became haughty and insolent.
e. Even mocked his companion of faith for his lesser wealth and offspring.
f. He seemed more reliant on means than the Creator of means.
g. Abundance of wealth distracted him so much that his intelligence overpowered his intellect.
As it happens when we get sucked down in a quagmire of deception and advertantly sweep truth under the carpet, an accident occurs. The One who has power over everything puts His foot down and like so many stories of billionaires going broke and bankrupt, the distracted wealthy man lost everything in a jiffy. Use this link to read how top ten billionaires lost their wealth.
In case of wealthier man in this story, presumably, lightening struck and his expansive temporary gardens razed to the ground. And at that point, he firstly frets on his loss and then regrets associating anyone with Allah. Note that his initial reaction on loss of gardens looked small in the face his loss of Emaan. Emaan is the most precious asset of a momin.
May Allah help us protect our Emaan. Ameen

1 comment:

  1. اللہ پاک ہمیں سمجھ کی توفیق اور برکات سے نوازے الہی آمین
