Monday 20 June 2022

Campaign against Army

 Really amazed, angered and agitated to see the post and remarks. We lack balance and as nation can’t overcome our political biases and biases towards our previous institutions. We are everything but Pakistanis like we have countless sects. To all respected members about whom public perception is of “extreme and superior patriots”,   and these are the mild or decent words in given situation. For once, keep it real please

Firstly, about the post. Doesn’t matter fake or real. Doesn’t matter collar dots  as per SD or not. Doesn’t matter famous or infamous col Rashid has been promoted or not. Doesn’t matter if you remove, ignore or not share such ‘filthy’ (as few members said) posts, this stuff out there. It would come on your handsets and your kids and family’s phones. What matters is that Regime Change Operation took place in the country. Two miscalculations nearly jeopardised successful execution of said plan. One peoples’ reaction. Two social media/ Vloggers. The affected (PTI) and it supporters (uncontrollable young and bad-tameez lot) have recoiled. Why uncontrollable because they are growing in a different world. They connected with world through their palms. They are more aware than us as generation. We couldn’t disagree with our fathers on politics. They do. Have they not been betrayed? Is PTI not the largest political party with biggest number of seats on National Assembly in apparently a democratic way of Govt/ governance? Are they not aggrieved? There could be outside element but do we really need outside enemies with this kind of Mess we are already in?

Aggrieved Pakistanis are still Pakistanis. We thought some of them were monkeys in East Pakistan. It was nearly the same situation. We might have thousand reservations & versions on what happened and how it happened but they seem to have the last laugh because as we speak they have a far stable country and economy. 

Should we not seriously talk about the real issue like imbalance of power. Someone so low in protocol hierarchy is above law. Practically, ‘The Sovereign’. Forget about current army leadership, the problem exits for long and is likely to persist for long. Real crisis in the country has always been imbalance of power. Are not defying Allah swt when we write in constitution that Allah swt is The Sovereign and in its stark contradiction one person trampled over all senior rungs of power ladder and even tries to play god. How can he?  This has to stop. Otherwise, we shall keep going in circles. Totally confused on issues of collar dots, minor SD and 5th Gen info war and DG ISPR shall continue to educate nation on conspiracy and penetration or intrusion. And Neutral or Apolitical. 

I may not be free of biases but I have tried my level best to remain ‘Neutral’ 😊 like my beloved institution which is not enjoying good repute among its people which hurts really bad. 

Allah Karim, Pakistan aur Fauj kay liye asanian farmaye. Ameen

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