Saturday 15 October 2022

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 86

Assalam o Alaikum. Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. Time to connect with amazing Al Kahf.
Today"s Ayah No 86 is 3rd Ayah of penultimate Rukuh (No 11). In this Rukuh, fourth major story of Al Kahf about Zulqarnain is told.  In current Ayah his first 'adventure' under divine instructions begins. Zulqarnain reached a point where the sun was setting. Now looking at the solar system and cosmic settings, the sun never sets. So what does this Ayah refer to? Since, translation is debatable, could this 'dark mud' be something else? May be a 'black hole'? Because black hole in the universe is only place where sun could set. But our imam  sahab wouldn't interpret it other than what has been told to him as progres in knowledge and science threatens his job.
Back to our Ayah of the day, Zulqarnain came across a nation. Could humans be found near black holes? Probably not. In which case, this 'nation' could be some extra terrestrial creatures !!!
And is it not unusual that Allah swt gave full authority to Zulqarnain to either punish them or let them go if he found goodness in them. This statement by must create few queries. What is the status of Zulqarnain? What kind of privilege is this that Allah swt had left it to Zulqarnain to decide the fate of a nation (creature)? We can only assume that those weren't normal circumstances. Not the usual story which our minds are used to perceive or imagine. Now the question is that are we ready to part ways with how we see things? Otherwise we won't make inroads into 'reality'. We might keep circling around traditional approach to Al Quran/ Al Kahf/ Zulqarnain until we continue to forcefully limit the unlimited scope and interpretations. This does not by stretch of imagination mean to disrespect or disregard the brilliant works of yesteryears rather to evolve.
Blessed weekend  

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