Thursday 24 November 2022

Corruption - our National sport

It is revealing how the tax records leaks have been met with virtual silence by the media and journalists. Our criminal silence on this issue reflects how corrupt are we in reality! How corruption has become an accepted norm! Finance Minister Dar has guided the focus onto illegality of the leak and buried the content. Imran Khan has also remained mute on the issue and not uttered a word or comment. Basically, he is appeasing Army. But like his past ‘compromises’ on principles like electables etc, this will come back to haunt him in future. You can’t change a system drenched in corruption by staying inside it. After decades of looting and mismanagement by politicians and the military leadership, Pakistan is on the verge of economic collapse. The military has been complicit in the decades of corruption and looting by the PPP and PML. And under this dark regime which ends today have been allowed to cancel their theft through the controlled judges, courts and NROs. The military has made a laughing stock of itself by claiming to be apolitical when it is clearly known that Pakistan is a Pretorian State where the military holds absolute power and that too by the leash of the Americans who have no care for the people of any nation and instead rely on remote imperialism through agents in other countries. They encourage them to amass enormous wealth and protect this status quo through maintaining power and control. The Egyptian military is a case in point and Pakistan is no exception. Hence, it is quite evident by events of this year that both the political and military leaderships rely on each other to maintain the corrupt status quo. It is ironic that generals who command the greatest military on earth, that of the US have no comparable wealth or lifestyle to that of Pakistan’s military leadership. IK’s unwillingness to take on the military’s corruption is indicative of his hollow power. He had the opportunity whilst in office to seize the initiative when Pappa John corruption became manifest. He had the perfect opportunity to break the back of corruption but instead protected Pappa John and now stands mute on Haji Sb’s staggering corruption statistics. Existence of corruption amongst every class (political, judicial, executive & military) and its patronage is an open secret. The military as the de facto power in Pakistan has the ability to either transform the country into the great state that it has the potential to be or continue to be dragged by America’s leash to be released only to protect her interests and to whom the ‘corrupt class’ submits for riches. All empires were built through such allegiances and Pakistan is no different. This is all the whilst the nation is reduced to a beggar nation who keeps on insisting that the slaver (America)  has the best interests of the slave and acts in the slaves interest. For these are the views of a defeated and mentally colonised people who cannot think beyond the political circus created by the slavers media and who despite decade after decade of repeated abuse and failure maintain hope in the status quo. For Pakistan to free itself of this vicious cycle which threatens to extinguish her existence, it needs to break from American slavery and prevent sleep walking towards Indian slavery and who knows who else. 

Revival is possible. It can be done, but with Allah’s help by only those who fear Allah alone and through reliance on Him have the political will, acumen and strength to realise Pakistan’s potential to become not only a regional but a global power. Pakistan has the resources, geography, ideology, human potential and military strength to become a great power, but it requires men of courage, faith and vision and not slaves who cannot think and act beyond their plots and lifestyle. 

May Allah Protect Pakistan. Ameen

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