Friday 2 December 2022

Way forward for Army - Quit power addiction

Some of my brothers in arms retd & serving ask what next? Really hard to predict that military shall become apolitical anytime soon. Because power is more addictive than narcotics known to be highly addictive drugs. Since there are no rehabilitation centers to treat power addiction, it is obvious that military's addiction will take time to go away.  
In given scenario, with trauma of most intelligent peoples' atrocities is still quite fresh in our minds,  we could still, in love of country and the Army, proffer positive input to have played our roles responsibly. Even if we need to evolve a way to curb the addiction or literally have to feed on concept, explain every step of the process & guide till the end, we may. 
But none of it will be sugar coated, concocted or implied in language because we need to wake up and smell the coffee. Note this with great concern and alarm that to squander growth rate from nearly 6% to minus in less than nine months would take an expensive war defeat. We had been to war against own people. People tortured, left deep scars in the minds of coming generations,  economy ravaged and country devastated demands gloves off and real shake off.
First thing military men need to understand that most have become shortsighted, material & power hungry, in short, perilously close to dumbness. False sense of superiority must not mislead us anymore. Just focus on your own job. Intelligence agencies to stop making lives of their own people (including military men) miserable. Unearth enemy plans. Prevent Terrorism from execution.  Stay in barracks. Stop claiming being apolitical, this is so pathetic. What do you have to do with politics? Just become apolitical. The list can go on but when it is reported by the press that the Saudi and UAE ambassadors were the first to meet new COAS Gen Asim Munir, it wanes away the hope of any  change. Affliction of power addiction is upon us. It is worth noting that both UAE and Saudi Arabia have been insteumental in supporting American plans to develop India, especially on Kashmir, by furthering Modi's plans through investments in Kashmir. They have also been pivotal in helping America to absorb Israel in the region and the wider Muslim world. Pakistan’s blind eye to this is based on its beggar status, as the purse strings are used to buy the loyalty of Pakistan’s military and political leadership. Our beggar status has been further enhanced by evil nexus of a dumb general and dumber politicians.  Technically if it is apolitical, the COAS has no reason to meet ambassadors as this is the realm of diplomacy and politics. It merely consolidates the open secret that the idea that military going to suddenly become apolitical is nonsense.  
Take a start frrom some where. Quit power addiction. COAS must not meet ambassadors. Big Fat Period.
May Allah Protect Pakistan. Ameen

Asad Jamal at 09:09

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