Monday 23 January 2023

All set for Martial Law

 We are letting Pakistan slip into abyss. Where is that most patriotic gang pretending to be doing favours to the country by toppling the Govt. Well, at least, give people flour respectfully, give people fuel corresponding with international prices (which are quite low), instead of shutting down the national grid buy fuel/ LPG by getting LCs open. Food shortages looming large, fuel unavailability crisis is about to hit and we do all we can to bring touts like Mohsin Naqvis to the helm of affairs. Give some solutions. Give some hope. Someone mentioned and it stuck with me that ‘it’s all about corporate interests’; meaning thereby establishment and traditional politics had to join hands to guard their vested material interests. Kept wondering what’s up with QBJ? Ideological, hunger for power or money. And when it finally dawned that it was the cheapest of the reasons that is money, it was kind of saddening. We are actually a nation of beggars whose hunger for money can’t be satiated. 

So the cream goes to the establishment. Each time someone makes it to the top, he adds up to the privileges of his brethren whereas operational level people need to be content with crumbs. Likewise, politicians being petty thieves are happy to steel the skimmed milk. Such is the explanation of ‘corporate interests’. Who is likely to hurt this interest? Very obvious, it’s that one nut head, IK. Even he is short of the mark.

We have been betrayed by everyone who had a bit of brain. Apparently, the opinion makers columnist whom I used to read and admire all turned out to be sold out. Recent examples of Qasim Ali Shah and now Lieutenant General Tariq Khan Retd who seemed to be paving way for a technocratic government or Martial law. 

Lost for words for what are we trying to do to this country. The only game plan unfolding to me is that IK has decided to go by legal/ constitutional options and that makes him a spineless leader because he failed to measure the kind of resistance he is up against. Was convinced and ready to lay life for country on 25/26 May 2022 but IK called it off. An unforgivable act of cowardice. Ship of Pakistan is sinking for sure. May be when the country is ushered into total chaos, the saviours as a last resort may then impose Martial law. What a pity. 

Please do give your valuable feedback if any. 

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