Thursday 15 June 2023

Al Kahf - Ayahs 60 - 82

Assalam o Alaikum.  Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. May this be the best ever Friday for you and your family. To make the best of it, besides necessary prayers, please recite or understand part of Al Kahf this Juma. Al Kahf is your window to the unseen worlds. Remember, we cannot see ‘them’ but they can see us. To divert, deflect and defend against ‘evil eyes’ of the unseen world, we need protection. Al Kahf is our protective shield and a strong layer of defence against all the evil out there.

Coming over to today’s cluster of Ayahs from 60-82 which is about understanding Allah’s wisdom in adversity. There is Divine wisdom behind everything which protects the well-being of the righteous, even when it seems to harm them. This means that even when a boat is damaged, a child dies, or an oppressive town is given aid, none of these events are actually to the benefit of the wretched. Rather, the decree serves the best interests of the believers. 

Similarly, following the guidance of 

Allah and applying the teachings of the Qur’an should grant us utmost certainty. Regardless of how difficult it may be for our egos to accept, there is a greater wisdom and innumerable benefits in this guidance that always transcend the apparent situation. In the end, the believer should patiently serve Allah and look forward to receiving the good that He has in store for him. To summarise, if you keep faith in Allah swt then be rest assured that every adversity is meant to benefit you, you just have to remain patient, steadfast and keep the faith. 

May Allah swt help us keep the faith through testing times. Ameen

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