Sunday 22 October 2023

Arab Leadership - An eye wash

The gathering of Washington’s puppies in Egypt on 21 October was beyond shameless. It was merely symbolic and an attempt to show the Arab street that the leashed up Arabs could sit together without the owner. Yet the script was from their owner. Whilst Israel continued its bombing and genocide, the best these puppets could do was to ask for a “humanitarian ceasefire” and commitment to the “two state” solution, exactly what the Americans, the owners of the pets were expecting from their puppies. Not a single warning was issued from the puppies’ military action or military aid or any sort of threat to Israel. Instead one of America’s  most vile slave dog, Egypts Fattah Al Sisi, had instructed the security services to prevent any demonstrations for Palestinian support in Egypt, especially in the iconic Tahir. Only those that are controlled by the government in terms of their scope and content, and the reason why despite the rage in the Egyptian masses, no demonstration of note has occurred as there has been fear of arrest, torture, imprisonment etc (sounds familiar to our part of the world) which has been highlighted by the human rights groups globally yet the “champion” of human rights, the Americans, turn a blind eye to due to their ‘watchdogs’ (watchdog sounds better than dog because liberals start lecturing on language) commitment to the security of Israel. It is now clearer to all the existence of this Arab League is total eye wash. It acts on the behest of kennel owner in Washington DC.

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