Friday 9 August 2024

Jamat-e-Islami Dharna

 In my diverse CV, during Higher Secondary years (1990-92), being City Nazim of Islami Jamiat Talaba is yet another chapter of my burning bridges and disappointments with organisations, institutions and individuals in our country. 

Why I joined them? They had the best mission statement that I ever came across. And I still maintain it is, except if they have true leadership and dedicated workforce like Tableeghi Jamat. The works of Maulana Modudi whether Tafseer or else (to the best of my understanding) are right on the money. Made few good friends. Learnt to be disciplined in religious obligations. My emotion and intent was genuine and guiding principle was manifestation of political Islam through The Book and Sunnah. Why I left then? Having a perfect mission statement is one thing and its execution is another. Since my exposure was restricted to IJT, so I’ll share my experience of association with it. They were pretty much gangsters less drugs; money and guns were part of their culture. Those youngsters mostly hailed from lower middle class who by default were angry with the system, emotionally charged which when combined with mob mentality and moral policing furthered the problem. Besides, calls for Jihad in Kashmir and Afghanistan were romantic and infatuating. Note that in 1971, Jamiat boys died in numbers in Bangladesh fighting alongside Pak Army. 

And this is the catch. Jamat-e-Islami’s eternal association cum subservience to the establishment except Syed Munawar Hassan and some of its founding members like Dr Israr Ahmed who eventually parted ways with JI. 

With this background in view, let’s throw some light on recent Dharna of JI because I served both JI & establishment in my younger years and am in a unique position to comment on their relationship.

One of the objectives of newly elected Amir JI, Hafiz Naeem through this Dharna was to announce himself at the national scene. 

Why he was allowed to carry out such a stir in the capital? Well, it seems that establishment is bracing for change in US. Since Pakistan (Establishment is Pakistan because nothing else matters whether people or institutions) has run out of options. Aid is not coming from any quarter. Change in US i.e. Trump assuming office with his idiosyncrasies and personal leaning towards IK, establishment would like to prepare grounds for it. They may let him go free before US elections since the result is quite predictable unless US establishment/ Zionist take Trump out.

So, this is how ‘we’ prepare in Pakistan before change in US. Firstly, Chabi Wala Khilona of TLP was launched in favour of Gaza. In a country, where carrying flag of Palestine was unofficially prohibited, its police welcomed TLP pro Palestine Dharna. It was obvious that now establishment was signalling to US/ west, give us money, otherwise these right wing Islamist parties can create trouble by mobilising people and may force us not to accept Israel. However, Senator Mushtaq of JI was not given any value because his was a genuine effort. But when it came to Hafiz Naeem, he escaped the iron heel of mis-adventurous (I coined this name for honourable CM Punjab a decade ago and can’t help using it) and parachute interior minster Mr Naqvi.

However, skeptical it may sound, Hafiz Naeem is the new ‘project’ for many reasons. 

He is loud because he is allowed to be loud. He is mobilising his troops because there is a tacit approval for it.

JI has always been a reliable political party of the establishment. 

JI/ HN shall act as counterweight to ruling coalition to keep them in check. 

JI/ HN may fill the political vacuum created by propelling unpopular ruling alliance into power and marginalising popular party with the (false) hope to bring back disenfranchised public into the fold. 

For this JI/HN is well suited to highlight petty ‘awami masail’ without touching upon  the only problem i.e. concentration of entire power into one office. 

Raising red flag by threat of right wing Islamist party like JI coming to power, may help raise ‘funds’ from the west. Resultantly, dumping of JI which is otherwise an Eastern wife material to establishment being submissive and compliant. 

May also give fair excuse for willy-nilly takeover under unavoidable circumstances in the greater national interest if approved by US. This one may be a long shot but we’re just unfolding things on battle board with all possible scenarios including the worst ones.  

Dharna ended with ten points agreement between Govt & JI including tariff cuts in electricity prices. And the next day, govt increased electricity price. So much for JI Dharna and Hafiz Naeem’s gung-ho launching at national political stage.

This piece is just a POV which (when I read back myself), I felt getting cynical. I’m certain, few good friends in JI & Estb may not appreciate. But that’s how things are. If we have to change, we’ve got to be brutally honest. Right diagnosis will help getting the prescription and medication right.

Only Allah knows the whole Truth. 

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