Tuesday 31 December 2019

Happy new year?

On the way back from a tiring flight and being stuck in traffic for the past couple of hours as people are out on the roads celebrating New Year, got me wondering why these exuberant Muslims are celebrating so hard? What diffrence change of Gregorian Calendar date makes in anyone's life? It would be great to find a rational answer to this enigma of life that why we celebrate this date change? What change, change of date brings to anyone's life. Pretty much like celebrating birthdays notwithstanding the fact that clock ticks forward whereas individual life clock is set on a countdown. Quite ironic? Absence of logic may not be as painful as presence of absolute nonsense like being on the road the activities visible are:
1. Loud music mostly Indian.
2. Pindi biker boys cutting across from every side.
3. Fights & abuse due to 'influence'
4. Fireworks, really? We go out to beg for money & we so proudly burn money in firecrackers.
5. Traffic violations galore. Seems like a matter of social pride and moral obligation to break the rules.
And those much awaited new year parties planned well ahead of time to celebrate 'something' for unfathomable reasons.
If the indifferent and emotionless needle of time has ticked over one more second, minute, day, month and year, what have to really done to go berserk with rowdy celebrations? Or have sober party? Or have a decent party? Or get slushed for what? But if you still insist you deserve to express your celebrations through any of these ways, go ahead. Have a great night. Have another pointless celebrations for achieving nothing. Advance apologies to liberal extremists for a spoiler. However, for better understanding of everyone, next Christmas besides asking Santa from where does he bring all those gifts, do ask him about reasons of festivities at the turn of the year. 

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