Wednesday 22 July 2020

Thoughts that led to the blog 'Thoughts'

Sensitive People are the artists within. Sensitivity takes them above the level of Sense Perception. This triggers a mental intercourse with the Muse. Muse is not a deity, neither could you see it. It is just a vessel dedicated for the carriage of thought from the Divine Source to human mind. Sensitive people or the Artists, should we say, then, express these Thoughts in different ways. The translation of Thought comes to fore in writing (poetry/ prose), speech, painting, invention or any other Act of differentiation.
 We all are sensitive. We all are artists. We all have our own signature expression. The difference is just the degree of sensitivity among our kind. The greater the sensitivity, the greater the Thought and even greater the expression of thought.
Sensitivity has all to do with the Connection. We take so much pain getting a good tariff / package, so that quality of signals, speed of GPRS and voice quality is up to the mark. To establish a good connection, some pain has to be taken and some price has to be paid. Because the quality of thought defines a person, and good quality clear thoughts will only come when the Connection is Good. 
Ostensibly routine and mundane things carry a much deeper signature of expression, which in its purity is matchless. For example, expression of a mother’s love for her child, a father’s concern for provision of his progeny, fearless expression of a child’s imagination, a teacher’s toil to the bring the best out of a student, genuine respect in a student’s heart for his teacher, a doctor’s professionalism and compassion to save life, a soldier’s dedication to his mission may it cost him his life and so on.
Subtle Sensitivity breeds sublime expression. Here, the quality of thought is directly proportional to the “connect” that soul has been able to establish with the Divine Source. For example, the philosophy of Rumi, Bullay Shah’s ‘sachian tay khariyan gallan’, poetry of Iqbal, prose of Wasif Ali Wasif and so on.
The signature expression of thought from mundane to sublime is all Divine. Sensitivity, thought and the art form we adopt to express these thoughts are not the attributes we acquire, rather these are Gifted to us from Someone who has all the knowledge, all the wisdom and all the power.
Stay Blessed


  1. Wah g maza agya. Thats why they say

    Watch your thoughts they become your actions.

    Watch your action, cux they become your habits.

    Watch your habits, they become your character. And watch it aswell cux it will be your destiny. Good morning sir g

  2. Lots of Love for my lovely brother. Have a great day
