Tuesday 22 September 2020

APC Ambush speech of desperation

'Altaf Hussain's ambush speech' at APC surprised all Pakistani participants, fixed laat nail in Mr Sheen's 'premier' hopes and rejoiced Modi's India. Even hosts are regretting.
Was he Altaf or someone who sounded like him? 🤔🤔🤔
Irrespective of his identity, he was extremely desperate. He is stuck in the past. He targeted Army of today for Army of the past. Woe to those military men who catapulted him to political arena. Infact Altaf Hussaim and his desperate clone are both product of same era. Military masterminds should first accept mistakes of usurping power and then hanging on it for protracted time. Secongly, sowing these two cancerous seeds in political field. Both are heading for the same ending. Bhai is slightly ahead. Desperation of his sound alike will further expose his ugly shrek face in coming times.
Good news is that its end of the road for his pooh politics.
UK walks, controlled photo-ops, anxiety fits, venom against Pakistan and unhappy ending of an absconder seems to be his fate. Pretty much is the fate of anti Pakistan elements. 

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