Wednesday 29 November 2023

Surah Al Kahf- Ayah No 21

Assalam o Alaikum. Juma Mubarak. Some time on this blessed day should be dedicated to cherish the unwavering faith of Kahf Boys. Faith became their strength so much that they among select elite whom Allah swt favoured and we continue to celebrate their Sunnah even today. In fact,  world is about recalling feats of extraordinary men. It also goes to show that we (stricken with termite of false ego) are ordinary sixpack Joes who could benefit by connecting with Allah's favoured people like Ibrahim AS and Al Kahf Boys. The point to take home is that the best of the  lot is already gone as Quran mentioned that number of early men going to Jannah would be much higher than the later lot like us.
 Hence, it is imperative that we recognize our relation with the matrix which is not easy because we are unable to actualize our vision (of heart). And clarity of vision is conditional with learning Quran in every sense of the word.
Today's Ayah No 21 is just one line of time travel story of Kahf Boys. Previous, Ayah took us in the cave wherein, The Boys discussed being discreet and reaffirmed sticking to Tauheed as their only option. In this Ayah No 21, the scene  changes again. Allah swt blessed The Boys with supreme intelligence to recognise Tauheed and bestowed them with unfaltering resolve to stick to it. It was time now to introduce them to the world (around year 550 AD). Hence, He swt uses the words like, 'We caused them to be found'. So another true time travel story alongside Uzair AS and Miraj (معراج) was premiered in the only true Book. Please note that when this story took place, the concept of resurrection and faith in the Day of Judgement was on decline. It is direct outcone of weakening of Tauheed. Allah swt loves us humans more than any other creation and his hell is for rebels only. He swt had to send down a warning shot. Allah swt due to His overarching mercy had to refresh dwindling faith in life after death before His most beloved Prophet PBUH could arrive (around year 570 AD) and share the Message. Now the stage was perfectly set for Prophet PBUH to give the only true message recognising all previous Messengers, Books and stories like Al Kahf.
In final part of  Ayah, another important message to note is that instead of a shrine people (with Allah's accord) decided to build Masjid at the Cave site. It clearly points to the fact that in order to celebrate, Masjid is prefered over shrines. Praise the Creator instead of Creation. 
May Allah give us wisdom to recognize Oneness and keep us in chosen category like Al Kahf Boys. Ameen

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