Friday 10 November 2023

Random thoughts - 3

Should’ve paid heed to what The Maker had to say about life, it’s a delusion. The more you know, the more it reaffirms that you know not and the more you feel swindled whether relations, politics or life in general.

Textbooks indoctrinated us that in 1965, the enemy next door attacked in the darkness without prior warning, violating international conventions but we fought hard. The passion, the fervour and the desire to contribute our bit increased in the growing years. Later realisation that Operation Gibraltar started way before this attack kind of took the zing away. But I liked Aslam in my Urdu textbook who got up early in the morning and went for a walk in the garden. No one can break my perception of Aslam, no matter what. 

In 1971, enemy tricked Bengalis. Again we fought hard but lost. Later, it dawned that democratically elected popular leader was denied his right to rule because relatively fair looking, a bit tall and arrogant Westerners couldn’t accept supremacy of lesser Pakistanis. 

Russian drive to warm waters was a sham. Pakistan was dismembered to bring ZAB in power but he was hanged because US needed a dictator on the helm and the dictator needed religion to shield his shenanigans. The aura of his tahajjud was stronger than his gifts of sectarianism, extremism and fares political entities and like MNS and MQM. 

It was time for Zia ul Haq to go. So he was killed to bring back ZAB’s daughter and musical chair began between BB & MNS. Finally, we could establish that establishment was the only permanent party.

9/11 was about to happen and again US needed a dictator with unlimited political powers and military wherewithal, so Musharraf was asked to send MNS packing. They gave MNS safe passage because with his ‘acumen’ he had already become an asset which could be installed later as and when needed. 

GWOT progressed alright but Musharraf would bluff them by sending few pennies on covert programs. So he had to go. But with him BB was also becoming redundant and they needed more reliable source like AAZ who knew one language - like Americans ‘in dollar he trusted’. 

Establishment’s decay started. No more double cross with Americans. The degeneration in society, insecurities and deprivations of past reflected in un-satiated lust for power and money through extensions. 

Shoddy finished product of the system, Bajwa blew its cover. The lower the standards of the top men in leadership and integrity, the better for US to keep the control their colony.

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