Thursday 23 May 2024

Al Kahf and present times

 Assalam o Alaikum wrwb. Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. A polite reminder to recite and understand whole or part of Al Kahf. This Surah is our protection against evil that rules the world right now and it’s only going to get worse. 

Strange times to be alive. Lately, it became suffocating in Pakistan. It was shocking when I played the video of Fiona Lali demolishing Suella and my ten years old said,’ Have they not picked her yet’. اسے ابھی تک آٹھایا نہیں۔. So well done those who have the tenacity to mock the sacred text ‘by striking the terror’ in the hearts of entire generation. I don’t know how long will it take to remove this impression from an innocent observant mind. Allah willing, I will. 

In bigger picture, the world is no different. Capitalism (Zionist tool) is like mistletoe (آکاس بیل) and funny enough that in the west it is seen as a sign of fertility and love notwithstanding the fact that it’s Anglo Saxon meaning is poop-twig. In reality, it is a parasitic plant that grows on other trees and keeps eating up on them until they die and even then it remains green. How ironic!!!

Greatest loser in this matrix is Christianity because Zionist have been able to creep through their ranks giving birth to an oxymoronic Christian-Zionist ideology. Morality and values are molested by Zionist. Personal freedom is allowed in the Zionist controlled world as long as people bow to capitalist principles at the cost of morality. Kids can negate their genders, babies could be killed in the wombs, degeneracy is new normal and family values are plummeting. Atheism is only a byproduct which predominantly includes Christian and very few Muslims. The only ideology that robustly defends against this insane onslaught against humanity is Islam. For this, Zionist devised an elaborate scheme to demonise Islam. They keep fuelling sectoral divide and encouraged rather gave patronage to extremism. Convinced confused western Christian for crusades against Islam through malicious propaganda and manipulative media. Zionist ‘Replacement’ strategy is in full motion where larger Christian and Muslim populace diminishes by nullification of each other. 

The world is enslaved by Zionist. The ‘establishment’ in every part of the world is under their control with the exception of China and Russia. The world should be grateful to Hamas that they helped unmask evil face of international establishment. Sacrifice of Gazans must not go waste. It has sparked a worldwide anti-establishment drive. Every state in the world is overtly, tacitly or covertly supporting re-enactment of holocaust in Gaza. Thanks to social media and growing awareness, people have been able to cut through the smokescreens of media outlets and sycophant journalists.

Let’s relate this with what Al Kahf has to offer. First story of Kahf Boys is about Tauheed. Important preparatory phase to Dajjal’s arrival is complete, religion/ Tauheed is under attack. Capitalism - relate it with the second story. Third phase, too much information and minimal knowledge as depicted by the story of Musa & Khizer AS. We are right in the middle of this phase. Last phase is about to begin. Relate it with last story of Zulqarnain. Appearances of antagonists -Mehdi & Isa AS along with Dajjal culminating in Armageddon. Last phase is no ordinary phase, it’s the ending of a story written by none other than the King of Heavens and Earth. 

No matter how you interpret Quran and Hadith; who you choose to trust in eschatology- Dr Israr, Sahil or Imran Hussein- end of times is around the corner. Prepare yourself and your generations for things to come because every Prophet has warned about tumultuous times ahead. Al Kahf has the answers.

May Allah be our guide and guardian. Ameen

1 comment:

  1. Mashallah, very well written & relating to the current world situations!
