Sunday 7 July 2024

De-colonised Era - Part 1

 I couldn’t write. What was there to write. You get to hear everything on Vlogs, podcasts and analyses of your choice and liking. For me, the flight of this country has taken a nose dive and we are all waiting for the plane to hit the ground while these Vloggers, podcasters and analysts get more likes, views and dollars. What a horror show!!!

So let’s unearth what actually is happening? Let’s take a look at the world with a different prism. A clearer worldview may help us better understand the quandary we are in neck deep. The whole world has become an imperial colonial jail and Pakistan is no exception.

In de-colonised era of post colonial and post World War Two system of control, the Imperial Colonialism has taken a new shape and much horrible form. Take for example iconic western universities like Oxford, Yale, Harvard etc, where we yearn to go and get our customised leadership from, are not bastions of knowledge. They may claim to have academic freedom and discourse of liberal understanding. In reality, these institutions operate under controlled environments espousing dominant aspects of political landscape. The end product i.e. graduates are programmed to fit into politics, military industrial complex and mainstream media discourse. They indoctrinate generation next with the narrative of colonial discourse and prepare them to carry the baton of colonial legacy.  The faculty consists of embedded intellectuals who are thinkers, writers, motivators, explainers and justifiers of colonial imperial legacy. De-colonial studies and institutional de-colonial studies are two different streams. Institutional de-colonial scholars remaining within the ‘framework’ are completely silent over what is happening in Gaza. This should give you a measure of how system works. These universities have big buckets of grants worth billions of dollars out of which academia get their fair share through book publishing, pays, perks, pensions and promotions. Whereas, de-colonial academia working outside the ‘framework’ are marginalised and cancelled due to power and influence of Zionist lobbies. Student encampments against Israeli atrocities in Palestine was not part of the playbook. To the horror of Zionist, marginalised de-colonial academias got to speak to students at university encampments. Student encampments are a watershed moment of our times. This event was like those out of syllabus conceptual questions which were a nightmare for rote learners. The whole facade of western liberal values came crumbling down. The ugly face of neo-literalism slowly got unmasked. The very kids that system of control was brooding as next generation imperial clones, refused to be brainwashed. They carried out police action and tried to gag them. This shook the edifice of the control system and shall have far reaching consequences. 

The credit must go the lion-hearts of Hamas who woke the world from its opioid slumber of de-colonial fraud. If nobody else, at least, for me personally it was a rude awakening. 

Lot to say on this in next parts.

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