Monday 8 July 2024

De-Colonised Era - Part 3

 De-colonial era in Muslim world is a hoax. From Arab Revolution of Sharif Hussain to Arab Spring, all began with an ostensibly noble cause and ended up serving post colonial imperial interests.

De-colonised Muslim world in its breadth from Morocco to Indonesia and from Caucuses in North to Tanzania in South is dealing with corrupt despotic regimes most of them are in the pocket of US and very few in Russian or Chinese camp.   

In order to keep control over their people and resources, Muslim rulers in de-colonial era have been ruthless and obnoxious. Just to get a measure of it, since 1950s, Israel and Morocco enjoyed strong ties. Late King Hassan of Morocco when confronted with political upheaval in his country took Mossad’s help to neutralise opposition including targeted assassinations in Europe. As quid pro quo, besides allowing Mossad to bug and surveil Arab League Summit in Morocco, facilitating migration of one million Moroccan Jew to Israel under King’s protection. 

Would be more appropriate to replace the term De-colonial with Post Colonial era. The very basis of a society’s outlook is weighed in terms of its education system’s ethos. In Muslim world, education is colonial which verifies and promotes Eurocentricity. Muslims apologetically continue to justify democracy aligned with Islamic  system of governance because western form of democracy has become an acceptable standard. Economy is colonial because all major trade partners of de-colonised Muslim world are their colonisers of the past. Political social order is thoroughly colonial. Same paradigm agreed upon extracting British, French, Belgian troops has been replaced by local troops trained by ex-colonisers. Religious discourse is colonial to the hilt. Past three centuries, Muslims have been trying to look modern by admission that they are in decline because orientalists thought so or labelled them as such. 

So much more on the biggest fraud of decolonisation in last hundred years or so in next parts.

1 comment:

  1. Allah rehm farmai aur farasat atta farmai. Aameen sum aameen
