Saturday 21 March 2020

Corona - what to do

All basic precautions are known to everyone like social distancing, hand washing etc. But we must not bog down and stay alert to situatiin demands. In case, Allah forbids, the pendemic spirals out of control like Iran and Italy, what should be our survival in absence of vaccines? Please don't wait or look towards any type of leadership whether political, military or local administration. Everyone is equally baffled. Get practical. Few suggestions:
Ventilators: The only equipment that can alleviate the sufferings and prevent death of Corona victims are ventilators. The number of ventilators are very less in Pakistan like every other country. But we cannot go blank and numb in the face of this pendemic. After immediately imposing national emergency, at national level, Govt must press Dewan Motors and every other big or small manufactureres to transform every equipment at its disposal into ventilators. 
Generally, people who are familiar with mechanics and electronics must come up with improvised ventilators at home. There are some ideas circulating with regards to use of grasscutters and other household items that could be convetted into ventilators. Please share those ideas across the board for everyone's understanding and use. This equipment can save someone's loved ones' lives.
Secondly, urge govt to ask all manufacturers who use spirit and alcohol as part of their products like pharmaceuticals, Murree Brewery and Indus Alcoholic beverages etc must immediately divert all their production to making 100% hand sanitizers. Govt must make them available to people on battlefootings. At househlod level, if you don't have any alcoholic hand sanitizers just put few drops of lemon in hotwater and repeatedly wash your hands. 
Thirdly, if masks are not available in the market, stich those at home. Just need a needle with thread, piece of cloth and a piece of elastic rubber used in different clothes in your house. My kids are making these masks at home.
Regularly cleaning things coming in you house is extremly important. Whether its water bottle from grocery store or filtration plants must be sanitized. If you don't find anything else just put some dettol in water, if you don't find that just put some lemon dops in hot water and clean everything entering your house. Cleanse your car, shoes, clothes and all edible items before someone from your family lays their hands on it.
People prone to allergies must use black cadamum, onion juice, lemon, honey, olive, and garlic in hot water once a day.
This may be an unreal wish cum demand but if possible govt must push representatives of people to stay amomg people and connect with them. 
Remember panic is not a solution to any problem. Our religion is a faith of hope. Life doesn't end with divorce of body and soul. Its just  entering phase four out of five. In Phase one, we acknowleged Allah as our Lord. In phase two, our souls frozen. In phase three, marriage of soul with body. In phase four, soul's divore with body and wait in Barzakh. And lastly, phase five, Judgement and final disposal. So, its a continuation of unending majestic journey. 
Make use of this time reconnect with Allah. Seek his protection. Plenty of Astaghfar. Live every moment with love of Allah and compassion for his creature. Spread hope. May Allah shower his Rahem upon humanity. Ameen
Only Allah knows the whole Truth.

Asad Jamal at 12:41

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