Sunday 1 May 2022

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 62

Assalam o Alaikum. Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. As we bid farewell to another Ramadan, may Allah accept your efforts and be pleased with you. Eid Mubarak and as the night of Juma sets in, its Al Kahf Time. 
Last Ayah 61 contained an interesting expression that they forgot and the fish took its course. Reportedly, the fish was fried and they were all set to eat it. But it slipped away in to the sea. Dead or fried fish finding its way into the sea? Yes, it does. Secondly, metaphysical element is present in all stories of Al Kahf. Finally, we need to undersrand that Metaphysical world is the real world. It existed way before our existence and it will continue to exist way after the closure of life on earth. Hence, Metaphysical world is permanent and our physical world is not only temporary but perishable. 
Today's Ayah 62, is dialogue between master (Musa AS) and his aide (reportedly, Yusha Inb Noon). Remember, the story is about knowledge. Allah swt being The Creator of storytellers and Laureates, had taken upon Himself to tell this story. Note the intricate yet detailed account of story setting which keeps referring back to the theme of the story i.e. knowledge. On Allah swt's direction, as The Travelers set out in  quest to meet most knowledgeable man (reportedly, Khizar AS) under the sky, they  feel the sufferings and fatigues of a long journey. The Master asks his Aide for food. Again the subtlety at its very best because Allah swt not only had to tell a story but teach us manners how the communication should take place between The Master and The Pupil. It is the prerogative of The Master to calm for a break and for food. On the other hand,  out of respect despite being fatigued and hunger the pupil shall develop the patience not to ask for it. Lastly, the lessons to take home in this story by Musa AS and through him for us must have to do with knowledge or lack of it. And first thing we know that they had not only crossed the point of meeting but the fish had left them without their knowledge. So the limitation of forgetfulness combined with knowledge (lack of) may keep us humble. Because, first casualty of knowledge, Iblees also had knowledge but lacked humility. 
On personal note, the more I know, I come to know that I know not.
May Allah help us from falling prey to the trap of knowledge. Ameen
Only Allah knows the whole Truth.

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