Tuesday 26 April 2022

People versus state - Part 3

Last part ended with the most important question why Army leadership is doing what it is doing against the popular sentiment. Since it is the most important question it should wait till we sort out other issues.
Foremost is removal if this misconception that GHQ is the center of gravity in this country. I always believed it was the people of this country. Recent events only strengthened this belief. 
Army has been our strength. Army is the gurantee of our survival. It acts as the gelling factor among different sub-national elements in the country. It maintains high training standards and last two decades of war on terror made it a well oiled battle hardened war machine. But remember, it is always the man behind the gun. It is always human grit, passion and bravery that makes an Army strong as ours is. Where does this precious human resource hail from? Absolutely yes, from the society. The tenacity verging to invincibility of this manpower comes from its belief system. Every household in this society is the breeding ground of this manpower. Army works its magic on these raw youngsters and turns them into well rounded young men who could take on any challenge. Those brave mothers  who nurture this breed send their boys with hope to take part in Gazvah-e-Hind. They know that verse of Iqbal that mentioned about cool breeze felt by Mir-e-Arabصلی الله علیه وسلم. This is not just an emotional eulogy but an honest conclusion based on years of observation and first hand dealing with these men as trainee and the trainer both home and abroad. Where does this fine crop of young men come from? From the center of gravity of this nation i.e. the people. Hence, it is safe to conclude that real strength and center of gravity of Pakistan is its people. Despite numerous strengths, there is a flip side to the Army.
All the good work, sacrifice and contribution of men (junior in ranks) comes to naught when an institution of this stature muddies itself with undue involvement in petty politics. Undoubtedly, politics is supposed to be the noblest profession after solidery, unfortunately not in Pakistan. Direct or indirect involvement of Army in politics only brings disrepute. Its just that Army’s senior leadership has to control this addiction of meddling in politics even if it has to go through rehab. Some suggestions shall come towards the ends of this series.
The real owners of this country are unhappy & unsettled on betrayal. They are angry and charged to reclaim their freedom. A farewell piece of advice before wrapping up this topic, 'don't take people (center of gravity) too light'. The entire mechanism of this universe stands on gravity let alone this country.
Coming parts shall unravel causes and effects of fresh wave of terrorism, role of media and reality check on ex PM's honest mistakes before we reach some conclusions and offer a way forward, not to mention some answers to unanswered questions raised in earlier parts.
Only Allah knows the whole Truth.