Monday 18 April 2022

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 60

Assalam o Alaikum.Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. Like body, soul for its nourishment also needs Quranic vitamins. Vitamin K (Al Kahf) is one of the most important supplement for soul and Juma is the most suitable day for its weekly dosage.
Al Kahf contains four major stories. These stories are also called stories about four major trials. First story is about our heroes, 'The Men of Cave' that talks abut trial of Imaan. Second story, 'The Men of Two Gardens', highlights the Trial of Wealth or materialism. Third story, 'Musa and Khizar AS', is about the trial of kowledge (or lack of it). Final story of ,'Zulqarnain', is tells us about the trials of Power which shall culminate in Armageddon. 
Today we start Rukuh 9 from Ayah 60. Al Kahf is laden with meaningful stories. So far we have been through two major and two minor stories. In first major story, The Men of Cave,  Allah swt has set the bar for us to follow in times when Tauheed is under atrack. Are we not going through such tumultuous times? Second major story is about 'The Men of Two Gardens', which talks about growing dependency on material means and weakening of faith on The Creator of means. How intently we worship material god day in day out? Are we not facing the same challenge now? Two minor stories covered are story about 'Insha Allah' (Ayah 24) amd The Story of Genesis (Ayah 50) which occurs seven times in Al Quran.
Third major story of Al Kahf begins here from Ayah 60. First protocol of Quranic Stories is that these are not stories told by eloquent storytellers during long Arabian Nights rather by The King of Heavens and Earth. So brace yourselves for some life changing individual and society building collective lessons from up coming story of Musa and Khizar Alaihuma Salat o Wassalam. Very briefly, Musa AS was asked about the most knowledgeable person below sky and in sheer naivety, he told his people, who else than Musa AS himself. Upon this, he was guided by Allah swt to reach the junction of two seas to meet someone more knowledgeable than him. So he set off with his able aide (most likely Yusha Ibn Noon). This is just the beginning of yet another captivating story of Al Quran. We shall discuss further details next week.
Only Allah knows the whole Truth.

For elaborate account if the same story click on the following link.

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