Monday 5 September 2022

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 80

Assalam o Alaikum. Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. Time to connect with Al Kahf, our hope against despair and protection against all the evil out there. Dajjal (The Cheif Deceiver) is about to appear and his Aides are preparing the grounds for his arrival. Look around, you shall see crafty mini dajjals who have griped every part of the world working round the clock to give red carpet reception to their boss. Beware, be really very aware, associates of Dajjal have taken over everywhere. Money & power is their religion. Lies are their trade. Media is their tool.
Today's Ayah No 80 is explanation of second incident that took place during journey taken on by Musa & Khizar AS. Next Ayah No 81 is also dedicated for the explanation of the same incident. It happened that Khizar AS killed a youngman and Musa AS in his genuine spontaneity and concern questioned the act. However, it was violation of their mutual agreement according to which Musa AS had to observe and not question unless aaked.
Khizar AS was/is the special man of Allah swt blessed with a particular knowledge. The boy's parents were real Muslims but he would grow into a rebel and denier. His growth and existence would be great source of pain for his parents so his early exit was ordained. We only have to respect Allah swt's wisdom who is all knowing. He created life and He can take it back whenever & whoever.
It appears from Khizar AS' explanation that by Allah’s accord he knew future happenings and was acting like 'The Superman'. The only difference is that fictional Superman would appear after/during the incident and "Super Superman" (Khizar AS) would prevent the thing from happening in advance.
Another confusion, anti Islam factor particularly Athiests create in young minds (generally unaware of real spirit of Islam) that why your God is so cruel that He takes life back (of infants or young) leaving their loved ones in agony of separation. Whereas, it is a matter of faith. Death is a temporary separation which may spare them so much of pain in this life as was the case with patents of this youngman. If not separated now, they wouldn't be able to live together in eternal life. As far infants are concerned, their separation is a test of bereaved parents. If they could bear the loss with dignity (like Abu Qasim صلی الله علیه وسلم) and submit to Allah's will, in eternal life their reunion with their off spring in Jannah is guaranteed.
Next Ayah shall unfold some more hidden treasures of wisdom contained in this incident, Insha Allah.

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