Monday 12 September 2022

Surah Al Kahf - Ayah No 82

Assalam o Alaikum. Shab-e-Juma Mubarak. A polite reminder to recite whole or part of Al Kahf on this blessed day.
This Ayah No 82 is among my favourite. Each time I come across this Ayah, it brings tears. This is explanation of third incident during this amazing journey taken together by Musa & Khizar AS when they reached an unfriendly populace. No one offered them food or shelter etc. However, Khizar AS, The Super Superman of Universe was on a specific mission. He found a broken wall in that place began to repair it. Musa AS with his buoyant spontaneity asked Khizar AS to have charged for that service (77:18). But his honest query was in contravention with the agreement between the two greats that Musa AS wouldn't interject unless asked. Consequently, their eventful journey came to an abrupt end.
Now the explanation time. The damaged wall was at the property of two orphans (presumably minors). Beneath the wall hidden a treasure. Had the wall fallen, the treasure could have been discovered by the town people. 
What Khizar AS did was noble. Why he did so was divine. Allah swt deputed Khizar AS to protect the intersst of those orphans because their father was صالح (Godly/ Mutaqqi).So that's it. Here is alchemy of life for you. Be a man of God and He swt shall watch your back even when you are not around. So stop worrying about what will happen if you are taken out of your family, professional & friends' equation. Only focus on what can happen in given situation and be صالح and rest shall be taken care of. May Allah keep us among صالحین. Ameen.
Final part of this Ayah is the thesis of Musa & Khizar AS story that due to our limited knowledge and impatience, we wouldn't be able to grasp the wisdom of Allah swt unless we submit and have full faith in Him.

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